What We Do
Williamson Marine Surveyors LLC.
Joseph M. Williamson AMS, SAMS # 737
Accredited Marine Surveyor
Yacht & Small Craft/Fishing Vessel & Tug/Barges Designators
ABYC Certified Office
ASA Member
Off. Ph. 1 813 641 1001 Cell Ph. 1 813 401 8215
Serving Florida and all states upon request. All surveys are to ABYC,SAMS, NFPA, USCG standards & ASA standards
Y,SC (Yacht & Small Craft)Designator
FV (Fishing Vessel)Designator:
USCG 3rd Party Fishing Vessel Examiner:
T & B (Tugs & Barges) Designator:
An AMS® member who has acquired at least five years of professional surveying experience on yachts and/or small commercial vessels up to 200 Gross Domestic Registered Tons, (500 ITC), and has attained a passing grade on the SAMS® Yachts and Small Craft examination.
An AMS® member who has actively engaged in performing surveys of commercial fishing vessels for five of the last ten years, and attained a passing grade on the SAMS® Fishing Vessel examination.Here follows a selection of the services offered and a short commentary on each. You are free to choose which services you require for your particular needs. Bear in mind that the more information you have, the more informed your decisions. Please feel free to discuss your needs with us. We offer Full Service Marine Management and Surveying world wide & are free to travel at short notice. 1) Condition (Pre Purchase) & Valuation Surveys & Reports 2) Engine/System/Sea trials 3) Insurance & Valuation Surveys & Reports 4) Damage Surveys & Reports 5) Down Mast Rigging Surveys & Reports 6) SOLAS Requirements: ISM, ISPS 7) Engine Oil Sampling 8) Engine Compression Testing 9) Battery Testing 10) Hull/deck Moisture Content Analysis & Reports 11) Audio Gauge Surveys & Reports: a) Dry docked b) In the water 12) Crack & Fissure Testing 13) Fuel tank Water Content Testing 14) Electrical/Corrosion Surveys & Reports 15) Tutorials & Voyage Planning 17) Shipping Your Yacht 16) Project Management 18) Consultation 1) Condition (Pre-purchase) Valuation Surveys and Reports: An impartial critical examination of a yacht to ascertain facts regarding its condition and to arrive at a reasonable approximation as to its Fair Market Value using the well recognized standards enumerated by the USCG, ABYC, NFPA, SOLAS, ISO, ASA and others. The vessel's structure, its support systems, equipment and electronics are inspected and tested, the vessel is dry-docked and Engine/System/Sea trials are conducted. See below. Included is a close cold examination of the outside of the engine blocks for broken wiring, loose attachments, oil and water leaks, fluid checks, engine mounts, exhaust hull penetrations, raw water through hulls and strainers, discharge through hulls where visible, bonding and grounding etc. Bottom inspections of running gear, through hulls and sounding the hull for rot, delaminating or thin spots. It provides an overall opinion of the structural integrity of the vessel. Haul out and associated costs to your account. Our job is to look - survey. We are not insured to handle the vessel, the vessel's gear, or to dismantle parts of the vessel or its gear. To prepare the vessel for survey, and by arrangement with the owner, all lockers & compartments under berths etc, should be emptied to allow inspection. On larger crewed vessels, a crew person should be available to act as guide, witness and to empty/re-pack stowage lockers, etc. There are several other examinations and tests may be conducted at an extra charge. They are listed below. Costs are calculated on a sliding scale depending on the vessel's age, Length over All (LOA) as measured and number of hulls. A report is produced, and includes pictures where necessary. 2) Engine/Systems/Sea trials: This assessment is usually conducted concurrent to the above survey. The vessel is taken out to sea to obtain information on it's suitability for it's intended use, and also to test how well the engines function under load, how well they are attached to the vessel, to check that the shafting turns true, that there is no leakage from engines, stern glands or rudder glands, check engines running temperatures under load and for hot spots, check the exhaust systems are tight, check for undue vibration of the engines or running gear, and to observe the exhaust product of the engines, etc. At that time we check the vessel's instrumentation to see how well gauges function, and get some idea of their accuracy. At that time we can measure the actual RPM against instrument readouts. Analog gauges have a tendency to be accurate over a narrower range than digital ones. A check is made to see how well the generators carry load demands, how well the batteries respond to engine starting and auxiliary loads etc. and how well they hold their charge. As a buyer, and during these trials, you may want to consider if the vessel provides you with the degree of comfort and amenities that you and your family or friends want. This Report usually forms a part of the Condition & Valuation Survey, if they are conducted at the same time. 3) Insurance & Valuation Survey & Report: Usually instigated by the vessel's insurance company and it is usually a requirement that the vessel be inspected about every three years. Some companies require out of water surveys, some the rig surveyed, and some are content with in water reports. Please check with your insurance company if they have any special survey requirements. Includes Report, along with pictures where deemed necessary. 4) International Maritime Organization (IMO): SOLAS International Safety Management (ISM) & International Ship Security & Port Facility Security (ISPS): This tends to be an ongoing relationship, so, fees are by arrangement. - International Safety Management (ISM) Lead Auditor. 1st & 2nd Party Auditing currently available. - International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) planning and auditing. Designated Person Ashore (DP) Planning & auditing available It is an international REQUIREMENT of all signatory administrations (governments) that vessels of 500 Gross Tons and over have current ISM and ISPS compliant certification. Vessels shall have current certificates. Penalties for non-compliant vessels are significant. and they may be denied access to ports, or if given access, may be detained following inspection, and fined. Only those vessels in government service are excluded. Following world wide concerns on safety, security and the environment, these requirements now have teeth and heavy fines are being handed out for non-compliance. Some Administrations, for example the British MCA, have lowered the size requirement limit to include vessels of 24 meter Load Waterline Length. It is a requirement that these smaller vessels have a 'Mini ISM' in place by January 1st, 2007. Other administrations will follow suit. 5) Damage Surveys and Reports: Usually implemented by insurance underwriters, but also on occasion, for owners wanting detailed information immediately following an event Written report and pictures as required. 6) Down Mast Rigging Survey: A rig failure is infinitely more catastrophic than an engine failure, yet many people are reluctant to have this done. Not infrequently we come across boats where it has been THREE YEARS or more, since an experienced rigging inspector gave his report to condition on the various components on the rig. Includes all spars (including hull cross ties), sheave boxes, spreader ends & attachments, audio gauging where required,(Extra Charge) chain plates where visible, standing & running rigging, inspection of mast electronics, electrics and wiring where visible, safety lines, all sail handling gear, hydraulics for rig tensioning or vang, bowsprits & gaffs etc. Inspection of all sails aboard. This inspection can be done at dockside & does not necessarily require the Rig Surveyor to attend Engine/Systems/Sea trials. However, wind direction & speed are considerations. You may, however, ask for the Rig Surveyor to be aboard during trials, so you can hoist & inspect sails with him. In that event you will want to discuss his fee to include this. We can also provide rig tuning, maintenance & repairs, and hardware servicing. Includes a written report along with pictures where required, with appropriate suggestions for your security, ease of sail handling and longevity of gear. 7) Engine Fluid Sampling: Checks for water and fuel dilution on all engine samples: Elemental analysis indicates, in parts per million (ppm), the amount of wear on engine components and also gives indication of the additives package element levels (Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Zinc). The presence of certain elements in combination can also lead to checks for other contaminants. For example, high Sodium and Potassium with increased Copper can indicate that a check for coolant presence is desirable, using a separate chemical test. Samples are drawn from engines while hot and sent to an Oil Analysis Laboratory to determine quantity & identity of metals in suspension. An opinion is offered on what course of action, if any, should be taken. While having a specialist engine surveyor aboard is always desirable (and costly), you may consider Oil Sampling a convenient way to decide, after you see the results, whether you require his/her services. With an identified sample of the new fill oil(s) it is possible to perform an Infra-red Analysis comparison of the used oil to the new oil reference. This will provide indications on Soot, Sulfation, Oxidation, and Nitration (Nitration is primarily for natural gas / propane engines). Hydraulic samples: (includes bow thrusters, stern tubes / prop shaft baths, and steering systems for marine applications) Water content and wear metals are the primary tests for these compartments. Particle count analysis can also be performed (this is usually not requested by marine customers, but is not prohibited). Marine Gears: The same tests are performed as on Hydraulic Samples. Coolant tests: Level I Coolant Analysis may be performed. This is a basic coolant test which monitors the level of nitrites in the coolant, boil/freeze protection, physical traits (color, precipitate presence, appearance, unusual odor, etc), and conductivity. When the results have all been collected interpretation of the results are provided, along with a detailed description of the findings. If anything is found to be at emergency levels the customer is contacted by 'phone to be advised of the problem (excessive water presence, fuel dilution, coolant contamination, or extremely high element levels are examples). Lab results may be forwarded by mail, fax, and email, whichever is preferred. Typical turn-around time for oil samples is 48 hours (working days) from the time they are received in the lab - not from the time they are sent. Level II Coolant Analysis can only be performed at Caterpillar in Peoria, Illinois. An additional fee is made to cover courier charges. It can take one to two weeks to get results of Level II Coolant Analysis due to shipping time and the work load of the Caterpillar Fluids Lab. Level II Coolant Analysis is recommended only if the Level I results are found to be out of spec. Fuel testing, basic tests, including Flash Point, Distillation, and Specific Gravity Keep in mind that beyond the basic tests, more sophisticated can be conducted if properly briefed. If it is merely suspected that the quality of a single tank of fuel is in question, it may be less expensive to properly dispose of the fuel and refill the tank with new fuel. An extra charge is made to courier the samples, which gives us the result earlier. Includes a written report; 8) Fuel Tank Water Content Testing: Providing that the tanks are fitted with accessible sounding tubes or plugs, we carry gear to determine how much water is in the tank directly under that tank access. If the only access is through the tank filler fittings, this requires that access be relatively straight in the vertical plane. 9) Compression testing: On both gasoline & diesel engines; late model fuel injected engines must be fitted with a remote starter to bypass the fuel injection function. Engines must be drained of fuel. Spark plugs and injectors must be removed to give proper access. Includes pictures as required and a written report. 10) Battery testing: 6 & 12 & 24 volt only: This provides you with an indication of their condition. This requires that all batteries to be tested be disconnected from the ship and each other. Includes pictures as required and a written report 11) Hull Moisture Content Analysis: If you suspect that cored hull and/or decks have high moisture content, a survey can be conducted for you and requires good access to the exterior and interior of the accessible cored hull and/or deck structure. You will be aware that aside from increasing the all up weight of the vessel, water in cored areas can lead to delamination and loss of structural integrity. Often high moisture content is found in decks near windows or fittings which penetrate the outer skin and around hull port holes etc. Fly bridge soles are often found to contain surprising quantities of water. This is a non-destructive test and includes pictures as required, a written and diagrammatic report. 12) Audio Gauge Surveys and Reports: a) Dry docked: This is particularly useful in testing plating thickness on metal structures. It may also be used on fiberglass. We are able to sound the entire under water hull, topsides, transoms etc. If deck plating is accessible (in chain lockers or lazarette) that too can be sounded. On an average 80 foot LOA vessel we would reckon on taking approximately 1000 soundings. On larger vessels, readings will run into thousands. Other structures requiring sounding can be fuel and water tank tops and walls in coffer dams, exhaust expansion tanks, exhaust piping, masts, other spars and metal plumbing etc. The sounding head (approx. 10mm in diameter) is best on bare metal to give accurate readings, trying to read through bottom paint, especially if it has a high metal content, or is pitted, can be done, but is not advised. The yard provides labor to grind selected areas to expose the bare metal. Cost is to your account. b) In the water: Insurance companies are becoming more accepting of in the water Hull Surveys. Plate averaging is usually the method of choice. For larger yachts this brings great value in that the Survey can be conducted at the vessel's berth, and with little effect on it's daily dockside routine. Expensive haul out and displacement costs are also avoided. Due to reduced visibility underwater, it is a drawn out process. Having building plans, plating schedules, plate expansion drawings, replating schedules and plating diagrams to consult is of great assistance. These are non-destructive tests. A written and diagrammatic report is included for both types of Survey. 13) Crack & Fissure testing We carry gear that enables us to dye test for weld or plate failure. Vapro NDT F.D. is an extremely sensitive fluorescent penetrative inspection method that reveals cracks and other surface discontinuities in virtually any non-porous material, ferrous or non-ferrous. It is a nondestructive test. It is ideal for applications where portability is required, and the vivid red color permits daylight inspection. 14) Full Electrical/Corrosion Survey & Report: This is not a service we provide directly. However, we are in touch with Qualified Marine Electricians who have much experience with yachts and small commercial craft. If the vessel has issues with electrolysis or corrosion that you want to be investigated and/or cured, these can be addressed. Availability & charges are decided by the technician. 15) Tutorials & Voyage Planning: You may only be interested in running the waterways, canals or fishing, or you may be thinking of setting out on a longer voyage. You want to know how to get the best advantage. You are legally responsible for the safe operation of your vessel. Learn to sharpen your skills of Seamanship, Boat handling, Maintenance and Navigation & compliance. Seamanship is, in part, a consideration of 'rules of the road', safe boating, staying out of trouble, how to handle trouble when it comes along, and generally to allow you, your family and friends to enjoy and get the most out of owning a boat. Boat handling can be frustrating until you recognize the factors that affect your vessel. Maintaining your yacht properly & safely is also money well spent, when you think about reliability and your investment. The day will surely come when you will want to sell your boat. Navigation has its own wrinkles that you need to know about, while coastal and offshore navigation are arts that can work to your advantage and safe keeping. Manuals can make interesting bed time reading - or add more to your confusion. Your insurance company too, may well be interested in learning that you take an active interest in safer boating & have undertaken some training. Learning about the local weather patterns you may encounter will help you determine what alternatives you can build into planning a weekend or voyage. Understanding the ebb & flow of tidal streams gives you insight as to how to make them work to your advantage. Contemplating a long distance voyage? Voyage Planning, Manning (crewing), Provisioning, Documentation and Vessel Operations are just a few things to organize. As a group we have many thousands of miles - and hours - of blue water operations, all over the world. We would be most interested in sharing our experience and hands on 'know how ' with you. You may wish one of us to sail with you for part of your voyage, or indeed to complete a point-to-point ocean delivery for you.(Upon Request) 16) Shipping your yacht: You may live some distance from where you have purchased your yacht, and may prefer the convenience of having your vessel shipped to you as deck cargo, or by Dockwise Express. We are able to arrange the details to ensure your yacht arrives in good order. 17) Project Management: Clients, again living at a distance from their vessel, One consideration is how to accomplish the work that the Survey Report details, in order to get the vessel insured, so it can be moved. Boat yards will not dry dock a vessel unless it is properly insured. Clients often have few contacts in the area. The nature of Marine Surveying is that we find ourselves constantly rubbing shoulders with experienced craftsmen. In many cases, we ourselves are able to undertake many of these tasks. To avoid any apparent conflict of interest, we survey and audit one another's projects 18) Consultation: If you are contemplating making structural changes, either to resolve a problem, or to provide you with better use of your vessel, we are available to inspect the vessel and discuss these changes with you, and how best to accomplish them. Perhaps you are contemplating changes to the vessel's rig that you would like our opinion on. We also review drawings & consult with Naval Architects & Designers.
Williamson Marine Surveyors LLC
Office Ph. 1 813 641 1001 Cell Ph. 1 813 401 8215 Fax: 1 866 641 5239
Email: joewillsurvey.gmail.com
Website: joewillsurvey.com
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